L. Sumrall, M.A., M.Ed., LPC, PMP, CSM
Shannon Sumrall is a leader in the field of behavioral change and enhancement. Shannon has a Masters Degree in Medical Anthropology, a Masters Degree in Educational Psychology/Counseling, and is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Project Management Professional and Certified ScrumMaster. Shannon is a Certified Master Practitioner and Trainer of Hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Time Line Therapy™. |
He is also a certified Instructor of Hypnotherapy and a certified Instructor of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). Shannon is one of only a handful of NLP trainers on the planet that is a Licensed Mental Health Provider with thousands of hours of experience using NLP in therapy and coaching. His education and experience as a counselor gives him a depth of understanding of the source materials that NLP draws from that is unmatched. Shannon is also experienced in the use of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). He holds memberships in many professional organizations such as the Louisiana Counseling Association, Project Management Institute and Scrum Alliance.
Shannon is a veteran of the Army as well as a student, researcher, and certified healer in Traditional Chinese Medical Qigong. He is also experienced in the shamanistic psychological science of Hawaiian Huna. He brings a global and holistic perspective with his vast experience of multicultural and ethnic issues from his education as an anthropologist, a therapist, and from his past work experience as Coordinator of International Admissions and Recruitment at a University. He also has an excellent applied research background in environmental health and the utilization of information technologies in research, education, healthcare, and business enhancement. In his professional project management experience in healthcare he has implemented four electronic health records.
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